A.N.I - Together We Succeed Association

Promoting Women and Young Women from different backgrounds all over Israel ​
Our Mission and Vision

Striving for Equality

The author, Virginia Woolf, claimed that a woman needed money and a room of her own if she wanted to write books.
In other words, it is necessary to satisfy basic needs and reach a certain peace of mind, in order to reach a more advanced stage of creation – literary, social or cultural.
Unfortunately, even in today’s world, women (as a rule) have fewer options in choosing their education, training and career development. The barriers they face often stem from social, economic and emotional gaps.
The association aims to bridge these gaps, to help as many women as possible to acquire an education, receive training and develop a career. The association relies on the fact that the positive change in those women will lead to a significant positive change in society as a whole.

How does the association create the change?

Some women are not exposed to the various possibilities for realizing their potential because this is not something that is being discussed at home, at school, in the neighborhood or in the environment in which they live . Even worse, in some cases women are being influenced to give up their dreams. Many women are relegated to traditional positions, without even examining the possibility of acquiring a higher education, without examining their suitability for liberal professions, without learning about the business world and the many possibilities before them.
A woman who wants to make her way in the world may encounter various barriers, including financial difficulties to pay for her studies, support herself and her family while getting her degree, the lack of support from the environment in which she lives, a lack of understanding of the academic system, a lack of understanding of the options she faces after graduation, and so on.
This is where the association enters the picture – in cooperation with selected municipalities, the association locates women who are suitable to join the program. After approval of admission to the academic institution, the association helps the women financially through various scholarships, while the women also participate in a program run by the association which includes accompaniment, training  and support. In addition, the women in the program themselves mentor at-risk teenage girls, in order to increase the circle of positive influence even more.



Founder and CEO

Elinor Peretz

Founder and Audit Committee Member

Ela Ninic Krstic

Head of Administration Board

Yael Hasid, Adv.

Audit Comittee Member

Maya Kolik

Association Member and Groups' Coach

Naama Aharonov

You are welcome to join us

We have the power to positively influence the world we live in - it starts with the decision to create change and with our determination to make this decision a reality

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